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Caribbean Citizenship Inc. is an authorized agent for Dominica’s Citizenship by Investment Program.


We provide a confidential service to persons who wish to invest in the Economic Citizenship Communities, and are looking for the best choices in terms of mobility, standards of living, education, investment locations, and business opportunities, among other things.

We assist our clients throughout on their path to freedom of choice, by providing assistance throughout the application process. Through our products and services, we provide a unique set of benefits and privileges for each applicant.

Advantages of Dominican Citizenship

  1. US $100,000 per single applicant Government Investment fund.
  2. One of the oldest and most trusted citizenship by investment programs.
  3. Confidential application process.
  4. No residency requirement before or after citizenship is granted.
  5. Full residence status with the right to work and live in Dominica.
  6. Dual citizenship allowed.
  7. 3 months to get the nationality and passport.
  8. Visa free travel to over 115 countries, including the Shengen area, the United Kingdom, Singapore, Hong Kong and Ireland.
  9. Minimal taxation – no gift, wealth, inheritance, foreign income taxes or capital gains taxes.
  10. Stable currency pegged to the US dollar.


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